Have you ever found yourself lost in thought on the potty (uh, mom slip) toilet? Don't judge. There are times when the child is asleep, the house is quiet, no one is over, the phone isn't ringing, you don't have a burning desire to check Facebook or lululemon.com and you realize that you are still sitting there because you can't manifest enough "give a crap" to get up for a couple of minutes. You know you have things to do, but you just enjoy the rest even though you're not, well, manifesting the other kind of crap either. It's not like we sit down a lot when we have young children. Any seat will do.
I think about my schedule for the day. I think about my friends and whether they need encouragement. I think about hanging another rack in my laundry room so I can do three loads of hang-to-dry laundry on the same day without becoming overwhelmed with wet clothes draping off of every surface of my laundry room. Because we all know I am never, ever going to learn to space them out so the first one can be dry before the next one needs to be hung! But I'm getting off track. Well, in such a moment I had a silly thought. You know how some people love to talk about how they hate to just "flush money down the toilet"? I wonder how many of those people buy toilet paper???? I saw three of those cardboard things that toilet paper comes rolled around sitting in the garbage can and I started to think about it. Literally we just flush it down the toilet. I'm not advocating denying yourself the use of toilet paper. Its time between just sitting there on a roll and going down the toilet is brief, but at least you don't have stinky poop stains on your briefs!! Or your bikini, or your thong, or something new that I haven't even heard of yet...
Suffice to say, at that point it was time to halt the crazy-thoughts-train, get off the potty and go do something productive. Like find some space for that third load of laundry that just finished and has absolutely no place to be hung. In the interest of more rest, I decided to share my deep thoughts first in my blog, but now I better get to wallpapering my laundry room with delicate lulu outfits. Enjoy your snow day and stay warm!
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