Monday, August 18, 2014

Encouragement from DesertGirl

In an effort to encourage you no matter where you are in life, let me tell you a little bit about my day. I woke up slightly tired. Jayd woke up with nightmares around 2:30 am and I moved her into the guest room with me. She needs total darkness to sleep, but kept seeing a bizarre flashing light. I discovered a digital clock that had been reset during a power outage and was now flashing. Understanding the thorough thing to do would be to set it with the proper time, I went promptly to the bathroom and got a large towel to cover it up with.  I kept seeing flashes though, so I got up again to investigate. This time it was lightning, portending that crashing thunder that will keep my child up was close at hand. Yay. We were finally both asleep when a final light came into the room and woke us. This time it was our resident nut job looking for his bible. Because maybe, just maybe, we took it in there at 4am? He finally found it right where he had left it. Life is crazy that way. Sigh.

Jayd and I get up and get rolling as usual around 6:30, make breakfast, and find a princess CD that had long ago been accidentally erased from the iPod and subsequently never listened to again because honestly, I can't be asked to carry around hard copies of CDs anymore. I mean, what is this? 1993? I think not. In an attempt to be supermom, I quickly download iTunes onto my computer to import her CD and copy it back to the iPod. In my rush I didn't notice I wasn't on the REAL iTunes site, so instead I downloaded a huge package of MALWARE. The bonus in all this is I hadn't worked with registry edits and command line codes for uninstalling and repairing my computer in years, so I got a great refresher. While I was bringing my technical skills up to date with my new project, Jayd ate a baggie full of candy from last Halloween, completely under my radar. Supermom? No.

Cleaning up candy wrappers and listening to the princess CD on the iPod with GREAT satisfaction, the doorbell rings. It's the cops. luckily, it was for my MIL. Unluckily it's because someone tried to charge a $2000 air ticket to Africa on her credit card. You can't make this stuff up. (It wasn't me. I swear when I said I was running away to Africa it was a joke. Really. I SWEAR).

I have one hour exactly left before the kidZone closes at my gym, so I have to get my buttootie over there. Jayd collects every toy she owns and slowly installs herself and everything she needs for the 5 minute drive into the car and we are off.  1 mile from the gym, I see flashing lights (yes, more flashing lights, ironically). I am being pulled over for speeding, but at least he just gives me a warning. I got an AWESOME 30 minute workout in. LOL. Now I'm at home. I've surrounded myself with crucifixes, garlic cloves, antivirus software and poison detectors just to make sure I actually live through the day. And I'm wearing steel shark-bite prevention netting clothes of course. Because anything is possible. :)
I hope all of you have a wonderful day!